Subscribe Users Manually

If you want to subscribe users to packages without automatically doing so through a billing provider, you will need to manually do so.


You will need to have details on:

  • The package(s) the user will subscribe

  • The user who is going to be subscribed to the package

If neither the user nor package exist yet in Kana, then you should create these first:

pageCreate UserspageCreate new packages

Once these are created, you will need to ensure you know the id of both.

Code Sample


import { KanaAdmin } from '@usekana/admin-kana-js'; \

const client = new KanaAdmin({
  apiKey: API_KEY // Replace with own Private API Key

const { data, error } = await client.subscriptions.create({packageIds: ["basic"], userId: "124"});


import { KanaAdmin } from '@usekana/admin-kana-js';

const client = new KanaAdmin({
    apiKey: API_KEY // Replace with own Private API Key
});'/subscribe', function(req, res){
  const userId =; // Assumes user object has been sent in request body to this endpoint
  const packageIds = req.body.packageIds // Assumes array of packageIds has been sent in request body to this endpoint
  const { data, error } = await client.subscriptions.create({packageIds: packageIds, userId: userId});
  if error {
    res.status(400).send("We experienced an error when attempting to susbcribe you. Try again or contact support.")
  } else {
    // Send back JSON response of full susbscription object

Next Steps

Congratulations 🎉 You've now successfully redirected a user to subscribe to Kana packages through Stripe.

Upon successful payment, this user will be subscribed to the package(s) and will have access to the features within. You can now implement checks to confirm they should have access to these features (either in your frontend and/or backend) and record usage of these features - which is even more necessary when they are consumable features whereby a customer is provisioned a certain amount.

Last updated